Since childhood, it has been my dream to share the incredible gift of self expression through music with others. I think that in order to understand who I am, and how passionate I am about music education, you need to know where I come from, and why I love music education so much! Every day I am amazed that it just keeps getting better. Our students are the most amazing group of people I will ever meet, and our teachers are truly my precious children.
I was born with a genetic gift, that through exposure to the right environment of music lessons, resulted in me developing Absolute Perfect Pitch (AP). I was blessed to have parents that instinctively gave me the absolutely perfect environment to foster my gift. I have come to believe that this gift is not rare, and that almost all instinctive/intuitive musicians have it. But that comes later.
Without my parents, and other tragic events that happened in my life that acted as catalysts, I would have never been able to refine my natural talents and abilities. These events now shape every decision I make, every teacher I hire, and every parent interaction I have.
Bonnie teVelde